Reporting on the re-arrangement of ministries and branches at a working session of the government’s Steering Committee for Administrative Reform on October 19, Tra said that, of the 44 tasks for the year, the steering committee has fulfilled six, has submitted the other two to National Assembly, and is implementing the remaining 34.
From January to August, the government organized six thematic working sessions on law building. The government submitted to the National Assembly six law compilation projects and four resolutions for approval.
As of September 30, the government, the Prime Minister and ministries had issued 34 legal documents, including 24 decrees, five decisions and five circulars. It still needs to complete 16 documents that guide implementation of laws and resolutions that have taken effect.
The Ministry of Justice (MOJ) has verified 100 projects and drafts of legal documents, including 11 law compilation projects, six drafts of National Assembly and National Assembly Steering Committee’s resolutions, 59 drafts of decrees and 24 drafts of the Prime Minister’s decisions.
Since 2021, 1,758 business conditions in 143 legal documents have been cut or simplified. The Prime Minister has approved a plan to reduce and simplify 1,107 regulations of nine ministries and agencies.
Regarding reform of state administration, Tra said as of October 15, the government had issued decrees stipulating the functions, tasks, rights and organizational structure of 11 ministries and agencies.
It is expected that 17 general directorates and equivalent units, eight authorities (belonging to general directorates and ministries), 145 departments and equivalent units (belonging to general directorates and ministries), and 22 non-business public units will be cut.
To date, 16 out of 19 ministries and ministerial-level agencies have issued circulars stipulating the functions, tasks and rights of professional agencies belonging to people’s committees at provincial and district levels.
Fifty-eight localities have completed the arrangement and strengthening of professional agencies belonging to people’s committees at provincial and district levels in accordance with the government’s criteria.
Seven professional agencies under provincial people’s committees, 1,649 divisions belonging to departments, 273 sub-departments, 638 professional agencies and equivalent units at district levels have been cut.
The Politburo has also decided to cut down 5 percent of the number of civil servants, and 10 percent of public employees.
Thu Hang