apartment prices

Update news apartment prices

Apartment prices in Hanoi now average $160,000, far beyond household incomes

Hanoi’s apartment prices now average 4 billion VND ($160,000), far outpacing household incomes and making homeownership increasingly difficult.

Hanoi apartment prices jump 50%, luxury units hit $8,400/m²

Vietnam’s real estate market saw significant growth in 2024, with Hanoi leading the charge as apartment prices surged 50% and luxury units crossed $8,400/m².

Apartment prices rise, real estate firms report big profits

Apartment prices have increased to over VND100 million per sq m in the suburbs, while land bid prices are tens times higher than starting prices. Real estate firms have reported a surge in revenue from brokerage services.

Hanoi apartment prices in suburbs soar as supply shortage persists

Not only housing in inner city, but apartment prices in suburban districts far from the central area in Hanoi are increasing. Brokers said the products are VND300-600 million more expensive than in 2023.

Villas, houses left abandoned, but prices still sky high

Many suburban villas and houses have been left unused for tens of years with overgrown patches of grass overgrown. But prices are still very high.

Search for apartments falls due to proposed cap on ownership term

Many buyers have become less interested in apartments after hearing that the Ministry of Construction (MOC) has proposed the setting of a cap on the term of apartment ownership. Despite this, apartment prices remain high.

Apartment prices continue to rise because of supply shortage

Apartment prices in Hanoi have been increasing, now hovering around VND40 million per sq m.

Living in suburbs: growing trend among the well-off

Ten years ago, wealthy people said ‘no’ to properties located far from the center of cities, but more are now moving from the crowded inner city to the suburbs, where they can enjoy fresh air and less noise.