It called on parties concerned to pursue peaceful dispute resolution measures based on international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS); refrain and avoid actions that may complicate or increase tensions, affecting peace and stability in the region.
The statement underscored the need to soon complete an effective and substantive Code of Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (COC) in accordance with international law, including UNCLOS 1982, while fully and effectively implementing the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC).
It welcomes current confidence-building measures to promote communication and mutual trust as well as to reduce tensions and the risk of accidents, misunderstandings or miscalculations. air and sea.
The joint statement recognized the complexity of traditional and non-traditional security threats and challenges, geopolitical and geostrategic shifts in the region, and the impact of competition among great powers that can affect the security and prosperity of ASEAN.
The document clearly stated the importance of adhering to fundamental principles and objectives prescribed in the UN Charter, the ASEAN Charter, the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC), and the Bali Concord, as well as complying with international law and maintaining peace, prosperity and security in the region.
At the 17th ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM), Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto that holds the ADMM presidency, thanked participating countries for supporting Indonesia in its role as ASEAN Chair 2023, including organizing ADMM-17.
He stressed the importance of maintaining peace and security as the foundation for economic development and social progress, saying an unstable and insecure region cannot attract investment, promote trade and ensure civilized behaviour.
The meeting examined a report on the results of the ASEAN Defense Senior Officials’ Meeting (ADSOM) and approved the ADMM Work Programme for 2023-2026, as well as other initiatives.
General Phan Van Giang, Defense Minister of Vietnam, joined defense chiefs of other ASEAN countries at the 17th ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting, making contributions to the success of the event.
On the sidelines of ADMM-17, Defense Minister Phan Van Giang met with Lao Defense Minister Chansamone Chanyalath, to discuss measures to promote traditional friendship and close bond between the two countries in general and the two armies in particular.
Source: VOV