The proposal was made after the ADC concluded in its preliminary conclusion released on May 5 that ammonium nitrate products originating from Lithuania and Vietnam neither cause harm nor threaten harm to the domestic manufacturing industry of Australia.
Earlier, the commission reported that ammonium nitrate products were to be subject to dumping during the investigation period from April 1, 2021 - March 31, 2022.
According to the Trade Remedies Authority of Vietnam, ammonium nitrate products imported from Lithuania and Vietnam account for approximately 0.8% and 0.2% of the total market share in Australia, respectively.
Previously, the case was initiated by the ADC on June 8, 2022, involving Chile, Lithuania, and Vietnam. In August 2022, the agency announced the termination of the investigation into Chile as the country did not export ammonium nitrate during the investigation period.
During the course of the investigation, the Vietnamese ammonium nitrate producers fully cooperated with and provided information for the ADC, including the questionnaire for investigation and verification of information. The ADC also confirmed that the information provided by the Vietnamese side were accurate.
As scheduled, the deadline for submitting comments on the Statement of Essential Facts (SEF) is within 20 days from the publication date of the SEF (expected to be June 19, 2023).
The ADC plans to issue the final investigation report on August 8, 2023. The Minister for Industry, Science, Energy, and Resources of Australia will make an official decision (expected) within 30 days from the date of receiving the final investigation report.
Documents and information related to the case are posted by the ADC at the following address: https://www.industry.gov.au/regulations-and-standards/anti-dumping-and-countervailing-system/anti-dumping-commission-current-cases/605./. VNA