The decision was announced at the eighth plenum of the Party Central Committee which opened in Hanoi on October 2.
The Political Bureau, during the September 8 meeting, requested that the Party Central Committee discipline Le Duc Tho for his violations of Party regulations and State policy, on the request of the Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission.
The commission found that Tho had violated stipulations regarding what Party members are not allowed to do, and the responsibility of the leader in making public his assets and income. He was also dishonest about the explanation of changes in his assets.
According to the Political Bureau, Tho’s violations were systematic and lasted for many years, causing serious consequences, shaping bad public opinions, arousing frustration, and affecting the Party’s reputation.
Also on October 2, the Party Central Committee also decided to dismiss Trinh Van Chien, former member of the Party Central Committee and former secretary of the Thanh Hoa provincial Party Committee, from all positions in the Party, for his wrongdoings in land management in the locality.
Source: VOV