Part of the Non Nước Cao Bằng Global Geopark in Cao Bằng Province. Photo

The conference to be held from September 12 to September 15 by the provincial People's Committee, in coordination with the Việt Nam National Committee for UNESCO and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, aimed at promoting the image and boosting tourism of Cao Bằng Province.

As a major international event held in the province, the conference is expected to attract up to a thousand visitors, representatives from over 90 geoparks in the UNESCO Global Geopark Network, along with many national and international experts.

According to Hoàng Xuân Ánh, Chairman of the provincial People's Committee, the event offers a chance for all parties to discuss and propose policies for the management and promotion of the global geopark in the area.

This is also a significant opportunity for local groups to strengthen international cooperation, share experiences with the world's leading experts, and promote the image of Việt Nam in general and Cao Bằng Province in particular, Ánh said.

The beautiful landscape of Bản Giốc Waterfall in Cao Bằng. Photo

In readiness for the conference, the province has drafted detailed scenarios, he confirmed, revealing the event's website at where international and domestic participants can register for attendance.

Groups of assistants, coordinators, volunteers, interpreters and drivers have been set up to support the activities during the conference.

A photo exhibition showcasing the beauty of Cao Bằng and the UNESCO Non Nước Global Geopark, will run alongside the conference and is close to completion.

A series of activities will be held during the conference including meetings of UNESCO Global Geopark Council to evaluate and re-evaluate dossiers, a meeting of APGN Coordination Committee and Advisory Committee, general and thematic seminars, bi-lateral meetings between regional geoparks, alongside cultural and artistic performances.

A delegation of UNESCO Global Geoparks Network experts led by Guy Martini, Chairman of the UNESCO Global Geopark Council, recently paid a working visit to the province on the preparation of the conference.

Speaking at a meeting with provincial authority, officials and organisers, the UNESCO senior expert praised Cao Bằng and its planning for the event.

He recommended Cao Bằng needs to build detailed scenario focusing on promoting the unique cultural features of the area, while spreading a message of unity between Non Nước Cao Bằng Geopark with the UNESCO Global Geoparks Network.

Located in the north of Việt Nam, 300km from Hà Nội, Non Nước Cao Bằng was recognised as a UNESCO Global Geopark in 2018. It covers 3, and is home to nine ethnic minority groups, including Tày, Nùng, Mông, Dao and Sán Chay.

The Non Nước Cao Bằng Geopark allows visitors to explore the earth's history through its geological features. The park has fossils, rocks and minerals, including limestone landscapes which together create a unique territory which offers insights into the history of the planet more than 500 million years through protected sites. Fossils, marine sediment, volcanic and plutonic rocks and minerals are witness to the remarkable evolution and changes of the earth - constituting an exceptional geological heritage.

The area is also well-known for its high biological diversity with abundant endemic plant and animal species and ecosystems.

Cao Bằng is renowned for many other scenic attractions, such as the Phia Oắc Ecotourism Area, Phia Đen, the Thang Hen Lake cluster, Ngườm Ngao Cave and in particular Bản Giốc Waterfall, which was once voted one of the four most majestic and beautiful border waterfalls in the world.

Hosting the 8th International Conference of the UNESCO Global Geoparks Network in the Asia-Pacific region is expected to help the province achieve its goal of attracting over 1.9 million visitors this year, including more than 34,300 international tourists. - VNS