MIC in March 2023 sent a dispatch to advertising service businesses in Vietnam and Vietnamese brands and enterprises with advertising activities about the announcement of the list of "verified" content, or the White List.
MIC recommended that enterprises choose advertising service providers on the White List in order to protect their brands and contribute to the development of a safe and healthy advertising and digital content ecosystem.
According to MIC’s Authority of Broadcasting and Electronic Information (ABEI), the White List will be expanded in the time to come with the appearance of news webs, accounts, content channels, community pages, and community groups belonging to domestic and foreign social networks.
These must be organizations, units and individuals who provide, create and exploit digital content on networks registered with MIC’s ABEI.
The organizations and individuals that have demand to register to join the White List need to provide information about electronic information pages, accounts, content channels, community pages, and community groups of their own.
The information contains names, telephone numbers of the personnel administering the information content on accounts, community pages, content channels, and community groups. In addition, there must be detailed information about the names, the links to accounts, pages, channels, groups, social network names, the numbers of users/followers, the orientation of the fields and content that provide and exchange (entertainment, sports, education…etc.).
The organizations and individuals registering to join the White List must pledge to observe Vietnamese laws on internet services and information, ads, performance arts and taxes.
They also have to take responsibility before the law for information they provide and manage. The list will be recommended and updated by ABEI to brands and advertising agents for them to choose service providers.
One of the important benefits for the units and individuals that produce and create digital content when being a member of the White List is that they can connect and participate in seminars to disseminate policies and regulations. They will also be given support for training in digital skills and making proposals.
ABEI said it will regularly check and update the White List. In case it discovers the pages, accounts, channels and groups violating the regulations, thus not ensuring safety for ads, the agency will exclude the violators from the list.
In the first publication, the White List includes 301 electronic newspapers, electronic magazines, 1,373 general electronic information pages and 953 social networks which have been licensed to operate in Vietnam.
Trong Dat