The coffee shops lining 'train street' have been told they must close by September 17 over safety concerns, according to local authorities.
All of these businesses are violating railway safety space and accidents are just waiting to happen, Quân remarked.
Before COVID-19 broke out in early 2020, the district received complaints about the business model there. The official said the authorities deployed information campaigns and fined those who committed offences.
After COVID-19 was under control and the country reopened, these businesses started to pop up again.
"In the immediate future, we will strictly deal with all violations following the law. 100 per cent of households currently doing business in the railway area will have their business registration licences revoked before September 17," he said.
In addition, the authorities will put up barricades, provide information, and prevent people – especially tourists – from entering the area, said Quân.
The district will study more projects associated with this railway to create tourism highlights, but whatever those projects are must still strictly comply with the law and ensure the safety of tourists and people.
After some foreign tourists discovered this place in around 2018, pictures they took widely circulated on the internet.
Quickly catching up with the trend, some households have renovated and repaired the facades to turn them into coffee shops.
By the end of 2019, this special street was forced to shut down due to safety concerns.
In the last months, domestic and foreign tourists, including many young people in the capital city, have visited this 'street' for its uniqueness.
Many people even lie down on the railway tracks to pose for photos.
A few days ago, the Việt Nam Railway Corporation has proposed that filming, photographing and running cafe shops on 'train street' be a fineable offence.
To guarantee security, order and traffic safety, the operator wants local authorities to strictly deal with the sales of cafes, drinks and other goods near the rail line.
Source: Vietnam News