With a total area of 6,500m2 and 1,200 network cabinets, Hoa Lac Data Center is considered the largest of its kind in northern Vietnam today.
Hoa Lac data center is located in Hanoi’s Hoa Lac Hi-Tech Park. It is a typical data center for Viettel IDC. It consists of eight floors, built and specifically designed to meet international standards.
The first floor of the data center is the general monitoring infrastructure, the 2nd to 7thth floors are the server rooms, and the 8th floor is the cooling room. The entire system is strictly protected with five layers.
On the floors where the server equipment is located, each floor is divided into two rooms with a capacity of 200 network cabinets per room. Each room is divided into a shared rental area and a private rental area.
The two rental areas are separated by an iron frame.
Only authorized people can enter and exit the private rental area, using a magnetic card, code or fingerprint.
All data center components are properly evaluated for business processes and minimize the risk of business disruption and data protection for customers in case of a disaster.
Hoa Lac data center is resistant to a 7-magnitude earthquake. The floor is can withstand a load of 1 ton per 1m2. The generator system and underground oil tank are designed to ensure operation for 72 hours in case of a complete power outage.
The modern air-cooling system ensured a standard temperature of 22 degrees C plus or minus 2.
The fire protection system and fire and explosion safety system meet international standards with a HSSD early smoke warning system and FM 200 fire extinguishing system safe for both people and equipment.
All activities of the center are overseen by a monitoring room with 18 employees, working 24/7 to ensure the safety of the equipment system.
With a total area of 6,500m2 and 1,200 network cabinets, Hoa Lac Data Center is the largest data center in the North today.
The move by Vietnam's Ministry of Public Security is essential as it is the personal information protection that shows respect for the right of each person.