The Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission has requested the Politburo and the Secretariat of the Party Central Committee to consider disciplinary measures against Party Central Committee member, Secretary of the Party Civil Affairs Committee of the Foreign Ministry and Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son; and former Ambassador to Japan Vu Hong Nam.
They have been found to be responsible for bribery-ridden Covid-19 repatriation flights, which led to multiple arrests including that of Deputy Foreign Minister To Anh Dung.
The Inspection Commission, which held its 24th session on December 20 and 21 in Hanoi to decide disciplinary measures against many Party organizations and individuals, also asked the Politburo and the Secretariat to take disciplinary action against the Party Civil Affairs Committee of the Foreign Ministry in the 2016-2021 and 2021-2026 tenures.
The Party Civil Affairs Committee at the Foreign Ministry violated the principle of democratic centralism and working regulations, showed a lack of responsibility, and slackened leadership, resulting in the Foreign Ministry, many agencies and officials violating the Party’s rules and State’s laws in giving consultations on and organizing flights to bring overseas Vietnamese home at the height of the pandemic, reported the local media.
A number of officials and Party members showed degradation in political ideology, ethics and lifestyle, violated regulations on the don’ts for Party members, and took bribes. They were already prosecuted and arrested.
A number of Party committees and Party committee’s standing boards of the Party organizations at the Foreign Ministry, the Government Office, the Foreign Ministry’s Consular Department, the Public Security Ministry’s Immigration Department, and some other Party organizations and Party members also had to bear responsibility in connection with those violations and mistakes.
The Inspection Commission decided to reprimand the standing board of the Party Committee of the Foreign Ministry, and to issue a warning against the Party Committee of the Consular Department.
Expelled from the Party were Nguyen Hong Ha, Consul General in Osaka, Japan; Ly Tien Hung, former official at the Vietnamese embassy in Russia; Nguyen Le Ngoc Anh, official at the Vietnamese embassy in Malaysia; and Vu Ngoc Minh, former official at the Vietnamese embassy in Angola.
Vietnamese Ambassador to Malaysia Tran Viet Thai was stripped of all positions in the Party in the 2020-2025 tenure.
Former Ambassador to India Pham Sanh Chau, Consul General in Fukuoka (Japan) Vu Binh and Pham Nhu Y at the Vietnamese Embassy in India received a warning from the Inspection Commission.
The commission told the Party Civil Affairs Committee of the Foreign Ministry to work with the ministry’s Party Committee to lead the correction of mistakes and violations, and discipline organizations and individuals involved.
Source: Saigon Times