The French film month is to be held by the French Institute in Vietnam (L'Espace) in coordination with BHD Company. This is the fifth consecutive year that this event has been organised to introduce French movies to Vietnamese audiences.
The films on offer include Yves Saint Laurent, Entre deux sœurs (To be Sisters), Les Deux Amis (Two Friends), Dans la Danse (In the Dance), Atomic Chicken, La Grande Arche (The Great Arc), Fairplay, La Vie Au Canada (Life in Canada), Des filles et des chiens (Girls and Dogs), Super Bourres (Super Drunk), Le Parfum Vert (The Green Perfume), L'Arnacœur (Heartbreaker), Le Serpent Aux Mille Coupures, L'Incroyable Histoire du facteur Cheval, Champagne, La chambre des merveilles, Young Hunters: The Beast of Bevendean, Jane B Par Agnes V, Krajina ve stínu (Shadow Country), and Jedine Tereza (Only for Tereza).
This is also the first time that these films have been shown in Vietnam.
Source: VOV