Gameshow Ring the Golden Bell attracted the participation of 50 workers and laborers from all departments of Maple Limited Liability Company. Participating in the gameshow, workers answered 20 questions with content about gender equality, female labor law policies and others. The contestant who answers the last question correctly is the winner and wins the First Prize.

Previously, Maple Company Limited Trade Union also organized an online photo contest "Courage to overcome barriers" and a sharing corner "Confidence to shine" to propagate gender equality at the company cafeteria. ty. At the sharing corner, every day, the Union will give 10 gifts to 10 workers who participate in answering questions to learn about gender equality and female labor law policies most accurately and quickly.
This is one of the activities organized by the Economic Zone Trade Union to improve knowledge about gender equality and promote the capacity of men and women in the workplace. Thereby, workers can share their own perspectives, opinions, stories, and practical experiences to inspire other workers to promote gender equality, remove barriers, and promote gender equality. the roles and capabilities of each gender in the workplace.
Measures to promote gender equality are measures to ensure substantive equality, promulgated by competent state agencies in cases where there is a large difference between men and women in terms of position, role, conditions, opportunity to develop their abilities and enjoy the fruits of development, but applying the same regulations for men and women does not reduce this gap.