Hom - Duc Vien Market is located at the intersection of Hue - Tran Xuan Soan - Tran Nhan Tong streets, which is considered the best location in Hanoi compared to other long-standing traditional markets.

Hom Market used to be a very busy trading place, but it is now deserted.

This can largely be put down to the COVID-19 epidemic having a great influence on the economy, with less families spending money on buying essential goods.

This shoe store’s revenue mainly comes from online business and wholesale customers.

Hang Da Trade Center was renovated from the old Hang Da market, combining modern business and traditional trading modes. It is also deserted.

The first floor area used to be home to many kiosks selling drinks and confectionery, but now there are only a few stalls.

At 4 p.m., traders sleep or chat with each other. They are still trying to maintain business despite sluggishness.

Ms. Hue (pink blouse) has run a kiosk at Hang Da market for more than 30 years and has never seen such a deserted scene like this.