During a press conference held on the afternoon of September 19, Bui Hoa Anh - Deputy Director of the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Transportation - addressed the current status of the sidewalk leasing pilot program, highlighting significant delays in its implementation across various districts.

District 1 has implemented fees for business activities on sidewalks. Photo: M.Q.

According to the Deputy Director, since the beginning of the year, the Department has issued 27 directive documents to regulate, urge, and guide the implementation of sidewalk leasing.

Despite these efforts, the rollout has been sluggish, with only five districts actively issuing permits and collecting fees as per regulations. Additionally, seven districts have developed their own leasing lists within their jurisdictions, while 15 districts remain behind schedule.

The anticipated revenue from these fees is estimated to be around VND 2 billion, primarily allocated for cultural activities, material transportation, and construction waste management.

Notably, the People's Committee of District 1 has already collected approximately VND 780 million from business operations, including the sale and purchase of goods along the sidewalks.

In the same press conference, a representative from the Technical Infrastructure Management Center of the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Construction outlined the ongoing efforts to prune and review trees with excessive branches or those at risk of falling, especially before the rainy season.

To date, 193 trees have been pruned to reduce their height, and 2,765 damaged, defective, or dead trees have been replaced. The center continues to actively prune and manage dry branches, handle decaying limbs, and assess and address trees that pose safety risks. Additionally, a 24/7 on-call system has been established, with a particular focus on periods of heavy rain and storms.

These initiatives come in response to a series of unfortunate incidents involving falling tree branches in Ho Chi Minh City, which have resulted in casualties and injuries. Notably:

- On the morning of August 9, a large branch from an ancient tree in a prominent park unexpectedly fell from a height of approximately 25 meters, resulting in the deaths of two individuals on the spot and injuring three others.

- During a severe thunderstorm on the afternoon of September 4, an oil tree branch fell from over 30 meters high, striking a pedestrian on An Duong Vuong Road. The victim sustained serious injuries and later succumbed to the trauma.

The Ho Chi Minh City authorities remain committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of its residents by continuously monitoring and maintaining urban infrastructure. The implementation of sidewalk leasing and the comprehensive management of green spaces are pivotal components of the city's strategy to create a safer and more aesthetically pleasing environment.

Officials emphasized that these measures are part of a broader initiative to enhance urban planning and public safety, ensuring that Ho Chi Minh City remains a vibrant and secure place for its inhabitants and visitors alike.

Bach Duong