Gardeners in Thoi An flower village (District 12, Ho Chi Minh City) are taking care of the flowers in the final stage to prepare for the upcoming Lunar New Year.
Thoi An Flower Village in District 12 is the largest flower growing area in Ho Chi Minh City. At the moment, tens of thousands of pots of yellow daisies, marigolds, sunflowers and petunia are being carefully tended to for the Tet market.With the flower area accounting for 50 percent of arable land, Thoi An flower village has entered the year-end flower crop a month before Lunar New Year.According to gardeners, flowers will be sold from the 21st until the 30th of the last lunar month. Three months before Lunar New Year, gardeners begin to sow seeds. "Every day I do the work of fertilizing, pruning leaves, and watering twice," said the young worker.Dozens of hired people are busy taking care of plants in a flower garden in Thoi An village.This is a seasonal job which brings daily earnings from 120,000-150,000 VND/day for hired workers.Each day, this man mixes hundreds of kilograms of soil with ash, rice husks and coir.Some workers classify diseased plants for destruction.The flowers are slowly blooming.This year the prices for flowers are expected to rise by about 5-10% depending on the type.