A representative of the Authority of Radio Frequency Management said MIC has decided to auction frequencies for the 2300-2400 MHz waveband for network operators to develop 4G and 5G.
The starting price of 2300-2400 MHz is VND12.88 billion per MHz per annum and each company will auction for 30 MHz. The companies are allowed to use the wavebands for 4G and 5G for 15 years.
The representative of the agency said April 19 is the last day the agency will take applications to choose the companies that meet requirements to attend the auction on the frequencies.
After that, the agency will submit to MIC a list of eligible companies and organize the auction.
Companies providing mobile services as well as other telcos, if meeting requirements, will attend the auction. As such, the mobile market will have new players using 4G and 5G technologies.
Businesses with or without licenses for telecom services can submit dossiers asking MIC to consider and recognize their eligibility to participate in the auction.
The businesses, after winning the auctions, and paying fees in full and on time, will be granted licenses to use frequencies and provide telecommunication service.
Businesses that participate in the auction for the right to use radio frequencies for the 2300-2400 MHz waveband can deploy the network and telecommunication service that uses IMT-Advanced (4G) or IMT-2020 (5G) technologies.
MIC had previously granted licenses to telecom carriers to try 5G in 40 centrally run cities and provinces. In 2022, MIC encouraged telcos to continue experimenting with 5G apps, assess demand and build technical solutions for the best business plans to obtain licenses.
According to international telecommunication equipment suppliers, 5G is the future of digital infrastructure.
Digital infrastructure will create connections not only between people, but also between people and machines, machines and machines. These will be foundation for automation and transformation among industries.
However, according to international telecom experts, 4G is still very important for Vietnam. In the next few years, 4G will still be a popular network, while 5G will develop rapidly from 2025.
Trong Dat