The Blacklist is a list of websites with signs of legal violation where advertisers and enterprises should not post ads. The Whitelist comprises websites with verified content, where enterprises can advertise.
Reviewing the results of the one-year implementation of solutions to correct advertising activities on cyberspace, Le Quang Tu Do, head of the Authority of Broadcasting and Electronic Information (ABEI), said the Blacklist solution has brought certain achievements, while the Whitelist has not.
All large advertising firms pay attention to their own Blacklist and the Blacklist released by the Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC). Enterprises, ad agents and brands have shown support for MIC’s campaign on cleaning up cyberspace by refusing to cooperate with KOLs and celebrities who post ads on websites that are violation of regulations.
Ad firms have also cooperated with MIC to struggle with cross-border platforms, requesting platforms to ensure safety for brands and advertisers; and to increase the use of filters and technical solutions to make businesses feel secure when placing ads on the platforms.
According to Do, thanks to the measures, cross-border platforms have made changes. They exchange views with the watchdog agency more regularly, use new algorithms to scan, and identify toxic channels.
In 2023, YouTube blocked 25 channels which provided bad content, which was five times higher than in 2022.
Also in 2023, ABEI imposed fines on 10 businesses and noted 15 ad agencies which made violations. The information about the punishments for violators was made public.
Whitelist helps advertisers find ‘clean content’
In 2023, the Whitelist was made public with the names of 4,000 websites, newspaper channels, social networks and news websites.
At a meeting with the community of online content creators held in May 2023, MIC conveyed the message “clean content will attract ads, and ads will go to clean content".
However, the Whitelist still cannot bring the desired effects. Most businesses don’t use this list despite repeated recommendations by MIC.
ABEI has proposed solutions to expand the Whitelist to increase the number of registered websites and channels, thereby enlarging advertising reach and facilitate state management.
Businesses, ad firms and brands said they agree with the Whitelist expansion solution.
Van Anh - The Vinh