In August 2022, Genetica, a Vietnamese startup in the field of gene decoding, began providing GeneNFT service. For the first time Vietnamese users can see their gene decoding results under the form of digital assets.
To do this, Genetica utilizes Blockchain in encrypting data. The startup has issued GeneNFT, a kind of digital certificate on the genome to give users the right to control their own genetic data.
GeneNFT plays the role of a kind of digital asset representing genetic data of individuals. This is an answer to the question about transparency in using gene data which remains controversial among the scientific community.
Blockchain has also been used in digital identification in Vietnam. One of the successful startups in the field is Jupviec, a platform that provides home help services.
To increase income for workers, Jupviec has integrated Blockchain into its system. Each worker has an electronic CV version, where their personal information, experience and work history are stored and cannot be changed by anyone thanks to Blockchain.
Their work history is confirmed in a digital training certificate, which is proof certifying their experience and professional skills.
The proofs are associated with digital identification of workers. Jupviec users can see the profiles of candidates to assess the abilities of workers and decide whether to hire them or not.
As for workers, their opportunities to get jobs would be higher thanks to the transparent working profiles. They can also get higher remuneration based on the number of working hours, degrees of education, certificates and accumulated experience, plus good assessments from clients.
Genetica and Jupviec are the proof for the high level of application of Blockchain technology in the real life in Vietnam. Analysts believe that Blockchain technology would also be applied in many other fields such as agriculture, healthcare and retail in the time to come.
Trong Dat