Many students have recently complained that they have not received bachelor’s degrees majoring in English (Degree 2) though they had paid money and completed the training program.
The university, however, denies responsibility, asserting that it neither organized nor managed these classes or collected tuition. Students have been told to contact the individuals or entities that managed these classes for resolution.
In early 2021, Tran Thi Thuy Ha, Vice Dean of English B Language Department, submitted to the university’s management board a plan to open English classes and grant bachelor’s degrees in English as Degree 2 (bachelor’s degree granted to learners who already have at least one bachelor’s degree). The university’s vice rector Vu Van Hoa signed the document to agree to the plan.
However, the school has affirmed that Ha’s documents were not legal and did not represent the school, despite the signature of the vice rector of the school in charge of training.
This action contradicted administrative procedures and impersonated the English Language B Department.
The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) has affirmed that the rector of the Hanoi University of Business and Technology bears responsibility for the training program to grant Degree 2. The ministry has required the school to promptly take action to ensure students’ rights in compliance with regulations.
Since 2017, the school has been involved in several violations related to admissions and unauthorized training. Notably, in 2020, despite not being allocated training quotas by the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET), the university clandestinely admitted hundreds of students for the training program for Degree 2 majoring in English.
The school also committed serious violations regarding unauthorized training in pharmacy, and classes outside the major campus for master’s programs without licenses from management bodies.
The same problem also occurred at Dong Do University. The enrollment division of the school enrolled students for the training program for Degree 2 majoring in English. Learners were reassured that they just needed to pay and they will receive a bachelor’s degree.
Meanwhile, MOET affirmed that the school was not allowed to train students for Degree 2. However, in 2018, rector of the Dong Do University still signed the document recognizing the two graduation batches for hundreds of students and granting Degree 2 to them.
In 2018-2019, 431 individuals were granted Degree 2 majoring in English, though the school had not organized enrollment and training, thus pocketing VND7.1 billion illegally.
With the discovery, 10 individuals connected to the granting of hundreds of Degrees 2 and fake certificates received a range of punishments, from 12 months of a suspended sentence to 12 years in prison.
Thuy Nga