Meanwhile, Tri Viet Securities reported profit 4.5 times higher than in the second quarter in 2022. Only BOS Securities has been delisted.
APS has released its financial report which showed post-tax profit of VND16 billion in the second quarter in 2023, a contrast to the huge loss of VND363 billion of the same period last year.
As such, in the first six months, APS made a post-tax profit of VND46 billion, a satisfactory recovery noting that it took a loss of VND304 billion in the first half 2022.
APEC’s profit in the second quarter 2023 from fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL) was 14 times higher than the same period last year (to VND233 billion), mostly from the re-assessment of its trading portfolio.
The loss from FVTPL decreased sharply from VND492 billion to VND209 billion. Also, the management cost decreased.
APEC Securities has sold nearly all HPG, CEO and BCG shares it held in its trading portfolio.
In June 2023, APEC Securities was named on the list of shares not eligible for margin trading conditions of the Hanoi Exchange (HNX), because the post-tax profit in 2022 in financial report was a minus figure.
Securities companies stopped margin trading with stocks belonging to the APEC family following news about the prosecution of a stock manipulation case on June 23.
On June 28, Hanoi Police issued a decision on filing charges against five suspects, including APS’s CEO Nguyen Do Lang and President Pham Duy Hung for manipulating the stock market.
Tri Viet Securities
The company reported a 46 percent revenue decrease to VND17.3 billion in the second quarter, but its operation cost also decreased by 95 percent to VND660 million. Therefore, it still made a profit of VND6.5 billion, or 4.5 times higher. In the first half 2023, it made a post-tax profit of VND7.6 billion, down 81 percent.
The securities company is performing well despite the prosecution against president Pham Thanh Tung in late 2022 for manipulating the stock market, pursuant to the decision to prosecute the case that occurred at Louis Holdings, Louis Capital (TGG), Louis Land (BII) and Tri Viet Securities.
BOS delisted
HNX has announced a decision on mandatory delisting of ART shares of BOS Securities. August 11 will be the day for delisting 96.9 million ART because BOS has seriously violated the obligation for information exposure.
Prior to that, in October 2022, HNX decided to put ART among the shares subject to transaction restriction since October 12 because of a 45-day delay in submitting a biannual financial statement.
Manh Ha