private tutoring

Update news private tutoring

Vietnamese parents pay premium for tutoring as extra classes are restricted

With school-led tutoring reduced under new education policies, many Vietnamese parents are spending hundreds of dollars on private lessons to help their children prepare for exams.

Private schools, teachers are also covered by Circular 29 on private tutoring

When the Ministry of Education and Training's (MOET) Circular 29 on extra teaching was released, many people thought the regulation only applied to public schools, not private ones.

How do schools manage teachers who offer private tutoring?

Under the Ministry of Education and Training’s (MOET) newly released Circular 29, teachers are prohibited from giving private tutoring to students they are officially assigned to teach during regular school hours.

Ministry of Education and Training wants no extra tutoring lessons at schools

Though most students are rated good or excellent in Vietnam's educational system, they still attend extra classes outside school hours.

Schools find it difficult to control teachers’ private tutoring

The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) does not allow teachers at public schools to participate in the management, operation and organization of extra teaching, but the practice still occurs.

How many hours of private tutoring are teachers offering?

The Ministry of Education and Training's (MOET) new circular on private tutoring, effective from February 14, is expected to have a considerable impact. A survey in 2024 found that four of 10 teachers offer private tutoring.