On December 20, Vu Quang National Park in Ha Tinh Province revealed that 58 rare and endangered wildlife species, including nine exclusive to the Truong Son Range, were documented through 85 strategically placed biodiversity monitoring camera traps.

In particular, some species play a vital role in regional conservation and demand rigorous protection measures. These include Giant muntjac (Muntiacus vuquangensis), Truong Son muntjac (Muntiacus truongsonensis), Annamite striped rabbit (Nesolagus timminsi), Owston's palm civet (Chrotogale owstoni), and Asian elephant (Elephas maximus).
The species documented on this occasion include Asian elephant, stump-tailed macaque (Macaca arctoides), rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta), northern pig-tailed macaque (Macaca leonina), Assam macaque (Macaca assamensis), Truong Son muntjac, giant muntjac, rib-faced deer, Indochinese serow (Capricornis sumatraensis maritimus), sambar (Rusa unicolor), Annamite striped rabbit, pangolin, lesser mouse-deer, Malayan porcupine (Hystrix brachyura subcristata), Asiatic brush-tailed porcupine (Atherurus macrourus), Asian palm civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus), crab-eating mongoose (Urva urva), Burmese ferret-badger (Melogale personata), masked palm civet (Paguma larvata), spotted linsang (Prionodon pardicolor), yellow-throated marten (Martes flavigula), back-striped weasel (Mustela strigidorsa), yellow-bellied weasel (Mustela kathiah), Owston's palm civet, bamboo rat, wildcat, squirrel, greater hog badger (Arctonyx collaris), wild boar, chestnut-necklaced partridge (Tropicoperdix charltonii), rufous-throated partridge (Arborophila rufogularis), jungle fowl, spotted wren-babbler (Elachura formosa), blue whistling thrush (Myophonus caeruleus), rufous-cheeked Laughingthrush (Garrulax castanotis), white-rumped shama (Copsychus malabaricus), pitta, silver pheasant (Lophura nycthemera), and grey peacock-pheasant (Polyplectron bicalcaratum).

Vu Quang National Park, established through Prime Minister's Decision No. 102/2002/QD-TTg on July 30, 2002, was designated an "ASEAN Heritage Park" in 2018. Located in Ha Tinh Province, specifically in the districts of Vu Quang, Huong Khe, and Huong Son, the park currently manages and safeguards 57,029.84 hectares of forests and forestry land.

This park is a vital biodiversity hotspot in Vietnam, preserving crucial genetic resources necessary for conservation initiatives. It is home to a wealth of endangered and rare species of plants and animals, documented in the IUCN Red List and the Vietnam Red Data Book, warranting dedicated and stringent conservation and protection measures.

Source: SGGP