salary reform

Update news salary reform

Vietnam’s minimum wage falls short of living costs

As living costs rise, more Vietnamese workers are leaving major cities to find financial stability elsewhere. The push for a living wage is stronger than ever.

Vietnam caps salaries of state-owned enterprise executives at 80 million VND

A new government decree limits salaries for state-owned enterprise leaders, with board chairpersons earning a maximum of 80 million VND and CEOs restricted to ten times the average worker’s salary.

Civil servants in Hanoi may get higher pay than other localities

The total salary fund for Hanoi and pay to Hanoi’s civil servants must be higher than that of other localities, and there should be no ceiling on wages, according to National Assembly Deputy Hoang Van Cuong.

Salary policy reform to be conducted from July 2024

The Government plans to submit an overall salary policy reform to the Party Central Committee and the National Assembly in which it proposes a new wage regime in the public sector be applied from July 1, 2024.

Gov’t to submit NA new-salary policy

The Government will submit for approval to the National Assembly reforms to the salary policy from July 1, 2024, following Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW issued in May 2018.

Ministry proposes salary policy reforms after 2023

The Ministry of Home Affairs has proposed the Government build a plan for salary reforms, in which the lowest wage in the public sector will be increased to the regional minimum wage of employees at enterprises.

Millions of civil servants, public employees about to get a raise

With the base salary expected to increase from VND1.49 million to VND1.8 million a month, starting from July 1, 2023, millions of civil servants and public employees will get salary increases.

Increasing monthly basic wage to VND1.8 million is necessary: Ministry of Internal Affairs

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is collecting feedback on plans to increase monthly basic salaries for civil servants, public employees and members of the armed forces.

Salary reform must ensure workers can live and save

 VietNamNet Bridge – Ngo Duy Hieu, Vice President of the Viet Nam Confederation of Trade Union, talks to Thời báo Kinh tế Việt Nam on the essential elements that must be addressed in the upcoming 2019 salary reform

Half of civil service to be slashed

Dr. Do Duc Dinh, from the Ha Noi Institute for Socio Economic Studies, speaks on the need to cut the current number of civil servants in half to free up funds to better pay for good quality employees.