Currently, the information of domestic flights to and from Tan Son Nhat Airport is only displayed on FIDS screens at some areas in the airport, such as departure and arrival halls, check-in counters, post-security check area, isolation areas, departure gates, baggage claim carousels and waiting rooms at domestic terminals.
This causes inconvenience to passengers at the check-in areas of lobby A and B.
Therefore, the airport has launched the "Solution to look up domestic flight information and public transport map" at tia.vietnamairport.vn and QR-code to improve service quality and enhance passenger experience during the upcoming Lunar New Year 2023.
The airport authorities forecast that during the Lunar New Year 2023, about 130,000 passengers will pass the airport every day, including about 90,000 domestic tourists and 40,000 international visitors. The highest numbers of passengers are scheduled on January 20 (29th day of the lunar December) with nearly 123,000 people and on January 29, with over 144,000 people.
During the whole Lunar New Year holiday, the airport expects to serve more than 3.8 million passengers with nearly 27,000 flights, an increase of nearly 10% compared to the same period in 2019 when the Covid-19 epidemic did not break out yet.
Tuan Kiet