traffic safety in vietnam

Update news traffic safety in vietnam

Experts call for safety measures as motorbikes remain dominant transport choice

Statistics from authorities show that motorbikes are involved in approximately 65-70 per cent of traffic accidents in the country.

Vietnam aviation records 42 safety-threatening incidents in six months

In the first six months of 2024, the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam (CAAV) received 101 mandatory safety reports, including 42 incidents classified as level D, indicating a risk of safety-threatening incidents.

Model of traffic safety around schools to be multiplied across Hanoi

This pilot programme targets several schools in the districts of Ha Dong, Bac Tu Liem, and Quoc Oai.

VN Traffic Safety Year 2024 launched

A ceremony held in Hanoi on January 9 to launch the Traffic Safety Year 2024 which aims to improve public awareness of the traffic safety rules, reduce the number of traffic accidents, deaths and injuries, and curb traffic jams.

Special crash helmet introduced for ethnic women

 A special motorbike helmet has been designed and made for women of the Thai ethnic group to accommodate their traditional huge hair buns while protecting them from possible head injuries.

Social News 12/1

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