On the afternoon of November 21, the National Assembly approved the amended Law on Pharmacy, with 426 out of 430 deputies voting in favor.
The revised law explicitly prohibits the retail sale of prescription drugs through e-commerce platforms, except in specific cases such as quarantine due to Group A infectious diseases, special control drugs, and drugs on the restricted retail list.
Under the revised law, businesses dealing in drugs and pharmaceutical materials through e-commerce must operate via registered e-commerce platforms, apps, or websites with online ordering functionality.
These entities must comply with laws on advertising, consumer rights protection, and data privacy. Additionally, online retailers must provide virtual consultation and guidance on drug usage and ensure delivery according to detailed instructions issued by the Ministry of Health.

Before the vote, Nguyen Thuy Anh, Chairperson of the National Assembly’s Social Affairs Committee, highlighted the need to clarify the responsibilities of e-commerce platforms in controlling the quality and origins of drugs sold online.
The Standing Committee of the National Assembly noted that these responsibilities are already stipulated in e-commerce and electronic transaction laws. Since e-commerce platforms merely facilitate transactions, the accountability for drug quality remains with the pharmaceutical businesses, similar to traditional sales methods.
This regulation aligns with global trends in managing e-commerce in pharmaceutical trading.
To address unforeseen circumstances, the law requires e-commerce businesses selling pharmaceutical products to adhere to government regulations on wholesale and retail sales of drugs via e-commerce.
The amended law also strengthens price control measures. The Ministry of Health is empowered to recommend adjustments to drug prices if they exceed the highest declared price for similar products or the export price in the country of origin. Furthermore, wholesale price discrepancies above the government-defined maximum margin will also trigger intervention.
The Standing Committee also approved the government’s proposal for publishing projected wholesale prices for prescription drugs.
Tran Thuong