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Update news vietnam literatures
Vietnamese poet Nguyen Quang Thieu has enlisted legal counsel to counter fabricated verses falsely attributed to his poetry collection "The Slaughterhouse."
The Pakistan Academy of Letters will translate “Truyen Kieu” (The Tale of Kieu) by legendary poet Nguyen Du and “Nhat Ky Trong Tu” (Prison Diary) by late President Ho Chi Minh into Urdu – the national language of Pakistan.
A total of 16 works across different genres and in 10 languages won prizes at the UK flagship translation awards PEN Translates, including two works translated from the Vietnamese language by Nguyen An Ly.
Female writer Ly Lan was awarded the grand prize “Hiep si De Men” (Cricket Knight) at a presentation ceremony for the 5th "De Men (Cricket) Awards for Children" in Hanoi on May 29.
Contemporary Vietnamese literary works translated into French have struck a chord with French-speaking audiences.
Amid the social network boom, anyone can express opinions about artworks and become a cultural critic. However, well-trained professional critics are seriously lacking in Vietnam.
Writers say there are many seminal materials that can be used to write children's literature, but it is difficult today to attract readers who are always using their smartphones.
“Children’s literature is a fertile but forgotten land which needs to be awakened,” said Nguyen Quang Thieu, a respected poet.
A collection of Vietnamese poetry translated into English to honour the beauty of the Vietnamese language has been published including translations spanning centuries of Vietnamese poems.
A collection of 15 short stories written by local author Nguyen Huy Thiep were introduced to Korean readers by Wisdom Publishing House in March.
Two Vietnamese authors have claimed the 13th Mekong River Literature Awards at a ceremony recently held in China.