The total area of forest meeting standards for calculating forest coverage was 13,926,043 ha, resulting in a percentage of forest cover of 42.02%.
In the decision, the ministry assigned the Administration of Forestry to establish a national forest resources database.
Provincial-level People's Committees nationwide were asked to assign People's Committees at lower levels to perform the responsibilities of state management of forestry in accordance with the provisions of the Forestry Law. They are required to update forest status data. Meanwhile, agencies, units and forest owners are asked to strictly monitor, update and report on annual forest developments.
The ministry required localities that recorded a reduction in natural forest area in 2022 to investigate the causes of the reduction and undertake measures to restore the forests, as well as to identify and punish those who are responsible for the reduction in forest area.
In 2021, the country had 14,745,201 ha of forest area including 10,171,757 ha of natural forest and 4,573,444 ha of planted forest. The total area of forest meeting standards for calculating forest cover was 13,923,108ha, and a forest coverage of 42.02%./. VNA