Leading a Vietnamese delegation to the UNHRC’s 55th session in Geneva on Feburary 26, Minister Son said human rights could only be best ensured in a peaceful, stable environment where international law is maintained and respected, and where the State places its people at the centre of all policies, ensuring comprehensive and sustainable development.
He underscored the need for the UNHRC to prioritise fulfilling basic human rights needs, including access to economic, social, and cultural rights, the right to development, and ensuring the protection of vulnerable groups.
The UNHRC should pay attention to promoting the implementation of Vietnam’s proposed Resolution 52/19, especially urging countries to promote mutual respect, understanding, tolerance, inclusiveness, unity, and appreciation of differences, dialogue, and cooperation, he added.
The minister also reaffirmed Vietnam's priorities if re-elected, including protecting vulnerable groups, promoting gender equality, embracing digital transformation, and upholding human rights.
At the 56th session of the UNHRC in June, Vietnam will propose an annual resolution on ensuring human rights in the face of climate change, he said.
According to him, Vietnam has submitted its national report under the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) mechanism for the fourth cycle, with nearly 90% of the recommendations received in 2019 being fulfilled./.VNA