Network operators now have become digital platforms and digital technology firms. They provide a wide range of services, from digital content to telecom and internet services. These have posed new problems for the management of information and telecommunications.
In that context, network operators need to have management methods based on revised regulations. This will protect units providing telecommunications services that observe the law and manage units providing telecommunications services on cross-border Internet platforms.
At the Ministry of Information and Communications’ (MIC) May regular press conference on May 5, a MIC representative said new matters have been raised in the telecommunication sector, such as how to manage cross-border platforms that are on the internet and broadcast platforms.
Nguyen Thanh Phuc, head of the Authority of Telecommunications (AOT), said MIC’s view is that services with similar characteristics should be under similar management schemes.
AOT has suggested including basic telecommunications services on the Internet as telecommunications services in the draft of the amended Telecommunications Law.
In the draft of the Telecommunications Law (amended) to be submitted to the National Assembly, MIC clearly stipulates the behavior to be prohibited in telecommunications activities. These include not only the behavior of enterprises and institutions providing telecommunications services, but also the behavior of users of telecommunications networks.
“These include activities using telecommunications networks to commit illegal acts such as deceiving, defaming individuals and organizations, spreading fake news, and spreading false information against the State. The amended Law on Telecommunications will clarify the process of handling these subjects,” the representative said.
According to MIC, the amended Law on Telecommunications, together with other solutions, will punish individuals and institutions exploiting telecommunication networks to commit illegal acts.
Earlier, the draft of the amended Law on Telecommunication mentioned the management of OTT services in order to protect Vietnamese users when using the services of messaging and making cross-border voice calls. One of the new things of the draft of the amended law is putting OTT messaging and calling (Zalo, Viber, WhatsApp and Telegram) under the coverage of the law.
Article 22 of the draft law sets regulations on providing cross-border telecommunication services to service users in the Vietnamese territory. The article says the service providing must observe the regulations of the Vietnamese law and the international treaties of which Vietnam is a signatory.
Trong Dat