Vietnam's exports to EU

Update news Vietnam's exports to EU

EU issues 12 warnings against Vietnam’s food and agricultural exports

The Vietnam SPS Office has reported that some Vietnamese export products failed to meet the EU’s stringent standards.

Agro-forestry-fishery export to EU down 16.6% in first half

The value of Vietnam's agro-forestry-fishery export to the European Union (EU) market reached 2.1 billion USD in the first half of this year, down 16.6% year-on-year, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

EU's regulation on deforestation-linked products head-scratcher for producers

The EU's ban on deforestation-linked imports are causing concern among Vietnamese producers as the requirements to trace commodities back to their origin can push up costs and entail finding alternative suppliers.

Domestic businesses striving to overcome technical barriers in exports

The EU’s latest adjustments in quality inspection of imported processed food and produce from Vietnam show looser regulations. This means Vietnam’s exported merchandise has improved quality, safety, and hygiene.

EU relaxes food safety regulation for Vietnamese instant noodles

Vietnamese instant noodle products imported into the European Union (EU) market will not be required of certificates of food safety inspection issued by Vietnam’s authorised agencies from June 27.

EC drops health certificates requirement for Vietnamese noodles

The European Commission (EC) has recommended removing Vietnamese rice noodle and vermicelli brands from conditions that require health certificates and 20 per cent random testing at the port of entry.