Deputy Minister of Public Security Nguyen Van Long said the number plates to be auctioned are ones granted to organizations, businesses and individuals (white color ground, black numerals and letters) in the storehouses of unregistered plates.
The starting prices of car number plates to be auctioned are based on the highest registration fees currently applied in localities, multiplied by a coefficient. For example, the starting price is VND40 million for Zone 1 (Hanoi, HCM City), and VND20 million for remaining localities.
When transferring cars, auction winners have the right to retain the car number plates and register them for other cars. They don’t have the right to transfer, give or inherit the number plates.
The persons who win the auctions for car number plates have the right to transfer, give as gifts, and inherit cars associated with number plates, but the recipients don’t have the right to retain these plates for other cars, or transfer the plates to others.
According to Long, the new point of the latest version of the draft is that 100 percent of the receipts from car number-plate auctions will be paid to the state budget in accordance with the Law on State Budget (in previous drafts, 70 percent of receipts would be paid to the state budget, while 30 percent would be retained for local budgets). This was the conclusion of the National Assembly’s Standing Committee at the previous meeting.
The National Assembly Standing Committee of National Defense and Security’s chair Le Tan Toi said that the granting of the right to use car number plates through auctions aims to satisfy people who want to own specific number plates.
This also aims to ensure strict and effective management of road vehicles; increase revenue for the state budget; and prevent complaints about lack of transparency and profiteering in the granting of number plates.
However, the committee, as the verification agency, pointed out that the differentiation in starting prices for Zones 1 and 2 has little significance as people who attend auctions are from all over the country.
Therefore, it proposed a single starting price of VND40 million.
National Assembly Chair Vuong Dinh Hue also supports the single-price solution.
Tran Thuong