In the proposal to the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET), HCM City voters asked MOET to improve high school finals because the diploma does not have much significance, though the country has spent big money every year to organize exams and issue diplomas.
Like HCM City voters, voters from Lam Dong questioned if the high school finals are really necessary if nearly all examinees can pass the exams.
High school finals are organized for two purposes – recognizing students’ general education and providing information about student ability to enroll in universities.
However, in recent years, universities have been using many other methods, rather than relying on high school final exam scores, to enroll students.
They are considering students’ learning records at high schools, and the results of standardized aptitude tests and foreign language tests and other information to assess abilities and select the best students for different majors.
The results of the national high school finals have become much less significant.
Voters from Lam Dong have asked to remove the national exam and assign local authorities to organize exams to recognize students’ general education in their localities.
Meanwhile, voters from Tuyen Quang province have asked MOET to announce the 2025 high school final exam plan, so that students can choose subjects suitable to their abilities and career wishes.
In reply, Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Kim Son said Vietnam doesn’t have primary and secondary school final exams. Only when students finish high school will they have to attend high school finals.
Son said if no exam is organized to mark the end of general education, students will not have motivation for learning, and many students won’t study as there won’t be exams.
In 2020, because of Covid-19, the Prime Minister agreed on the proposal to organize high school finals instead of national high school finals. The exams in 2020, 2021 and 2022 were successfully organized, which both met the purposes of the exams and ensured requirements amid pandemic prevention and control.
Son said MOET is working on a plan to organize the high school exam from 2025 which strictly pursues guidelines on assessing education results set by the 2018 new general education program; and provides accurate and reliable information on adaptation to requirements on virtues and capabilities.
Currently, MOET is collecting opinions from experts, managerial officers, teachers, schools and others in society to perfect the plan on organizing high school finals from 2025.
The final draft will be submitted to the Prime Minister for consideration, while MOET will make hectic preparations in all fields so as to implement the plan effectively.
Concerning the question raised by voters from Lam Dong, Son said the current Education Law requires examinations and if students can satisfy the outcome standards, they will be recognized as finishing general education.
Ngan Anh