Two themes will be put under supreme supervision, while the two remaining will be assigned to the Standing Committee for supervision.
Theme 1: the mobilization, management and use of resources to serve prevention and control of Covid-19; implementation of policies and laws on grassroots medical centers and preventive medicine.
Theme 2: implementation of National Assembly’s resolutions on the national program on building new rural areas in 2021-2025, sustainable poverty reduction in 2021-2025, and socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in 2021-2030.
Theme 3: implementation of Resolution 88/2014/QH13 and 51/2017/QH14 on the renewal of curricula and textbooks for general education.
Theme 4: implementation of policies and laws on energy development in 2016-2021.
Nguyen Thi Kim Thuy, a National Assembly Deputy from Da Nang, proposes supreme supervision over the renewal of textbooks for general education.
She stressed that the National Assembly’s two resolutions on renovating curriculums and textbooks have important significance in improving the quality of human resources to satisfy the requirements of the industrialization and modernization in the context of the socialist-oriented market economy and international integration.
Under the roadmap shown in Resolution No 51, after two years (2024-2025 academic year), the first cycle of renovating the program and textbooks at all general education levels will be completed.
“The supreme supervision at this moment would allow to fully and promptly assess the advantages and disadvantages during the implementation of Resolutions 88 and 51, so as to have better implementation in the following years,” she said.
Over the last eight years, the educational sector has made great efforts to overcome difficulties and implement the National Assembly’s resolutions on the curriculum and textbook renovation. However, many problems still exist, including textbook prices and listing history as an optional, not compulsory, school subject.
Many problems have not been settled, though the complaints were made in the previous session, such as mistakes in all the three sets of textbooks for first, second and sixth graders of the Vietnam Education Publishing House.
In the report answering National Assembly’s deputies on January 12, 2022, Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Kim Son said the Vietnam Education Publishing House had recalled 110,000 textbooks for correction, and had re-printed 38,000 textbooks for sixth graders. However, according to the deputy, the reality is different.
Nguyen Anh Tri, a deputy from Hanoi, agreed that supervision of implementation of the two resolutions on general education program renovation is needed. He said many voters have complained that the curricula are still unreasonable, citing the arguments about teaching history.
Tran Thuong