Head of the Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry’s Training Department Nguyen Trung Nhan revealed 1,200 students received warnings and were forced to drop out of the school in the 2021-2022 school year; many of expelled students were those who’d repeated failures to obtain minimum credits in a term according to the school's training regulations and others decided to quit studies.
Students repeated failures to get the scores, accumulated credits or those voluntarily dropped out of school because they spent little time studying or because they choose the wrong majors or schools.
Worse, some students have been falling way behind the lessons and are not used to learning methods at universities which are different from high schools.
According to Director of the Ho Chi Minh City-based University of Food Industry’s Center for Admissions and Communication Pham Thai Son, the school currently has about 1,000 students receiving warnings because they do not understand the academic regulations and have low academic scores.
In addition, some students voluntarily leave school for various reasons. Previously, in the 2019-2020 school year, the school also had more than 1,100 students who were expected to be expelled due to the end of their training time at the school, but their academic results didn’t satisfy academic requirements.
Vice Principal of the Ho Chi Minh City-based University of Agriculture and Forestry Tran Dinh Ly said that the school is currently reviewing and warning academics or issuing discipline to some students who violate training regulations.
According to Mr. Ly, the school also has nearly 1,000 students who are expected to receive academic warnings while several students dropped out the school.
In addition, some students, after being admitted into the school, did not like the major of their choice, so they switched to another school from the first year.
Meanwhile, in many other universities, especially private facilities, the number of students with academic warnings also exceeded 1,000 students, and hundreds of students voluntarily dropped out without reason, he said.
With many years of experience in career guidance and training, Mr.Tran Dinh Ly acknowledged thousands of students receiving academic warnings or being forced to resign are those who chose the wrong majors or schools.
He disclosed that many students who are studying normally, even with good academic results, and then they realized that the major is not suitable to their ability, so they have to switch to learn other majors or schools.
According to Mr. Tran Dinh Ly, although training regulations and enrollment policies have been innovated lately, the issue of career orientation is always the core to helping learners choose the right majors or professions for future jobs. He advised students to pay attention to three matters when choosing a career or the future.
Firstly, if you choose the wrong profession, even if you don't quit, sooner or later you will be eliminated from the profession at any time. Candidates must find out the profession first and what schools offer training in a major.
Second, learners must consider the employment needs of the industry and other influencing factors. Candidates should choose professions that suit their abilities.
Worse, many students are dependent on the decisions of others including parents and relatives. Candidates have to make their own decisions about their future.
Thirdly, candidates need to take a test to discover their own capacity and orientation for life; for instance, they should read Holland's theory to discover their own capacity in career orientation. More than ever, candidates need to understand their hobbies and interests.
With many years of experience as an admissions consultant, Head of the University of Natural Sciences’ Administrative Organization Department Phung Quan pointed out that the reason for choosing the wrong majors is inappropriate career guidance.
Therefore, in order to fill this gap, it is necessary to strengthen the career counseling program for junior high schoolers or at least tenth graders, to help students choose the right career and majors at universities.
In addition, the current training program is also a part of the reason why students feel depressed because it takes 1-2 years of general education.
Therefore, schools need to build and adjust the program by inserting a specialized knowledge module into teaching in the first years according to an appropriate structure so that students feel interested in the profession they are studying.
Source: SGGP