“Ten percent of people will wear clothes connected to the internet. Five percent of consumer goods will be printed with 3D printing technology. Ten percent of cars in circulation on roads in the US will be unmanned. And more than 50 percent of internet connection traffic at home will be from household appliances,” Phuc said.
He said humans have experienced three stages – information digitization, process digitization, and organization digitization.
Digital transformation will help build a platform allowing people to give advice and have medical exams and treatment from a distance, and offer all citizens access to a doctor.
It will help solve problems in the educational sector as it can bring the best knowledge to digital schools, help students learn independently, and allow students to study according to their capability.
Digital transformation will also help cut logistics costs by 30-50 percent and control means of transport with digital records.
It will help promote tourism and solve traditional problems by providing digital accommodations, digital platforms that connect restaurants, shared car services, experience services, and more. People will easily sell products on e-commerce platforms with traceability.
With digital government, administrative procedures will be reduced, while the government will be able to make more timely decisions.
Especially noteworthy will be the help in reducing corruption and wrongdoings.
From now on, all the activities of the government will be shown in a digital environment for online supervision, while wrongdoings can be discovered soon thanks to artificial intelligence (AI).
As for digital society, people’s activities will also be in a digital environment with Vietnam’s digital platforms, such as communications, social media, study, and entertainment. Non-cash payments will be used in all transactions.
However, the transformation, if not done well, will be a burden. A typical example is that with both electronic and paper documents, the workload doubles.
Cong Sang