Cu hu dua can be found in the tops of the trees, hidden inside the branches.
The core is covered by a thin capsule layer, and is sweet, fresh, cool, and highly nutritious, especially in minerals, while also being good for the digestive system.
To make the salad, the cook has to cut down a young coconut tree and remove the core, which is considered the heart of the tree.
Ingredients for the dish include coconut core, shrimp, pork belly, onion, carrot, cucumber, red chili, laksa leaves, roasted peanuts, garlic cloves, sugar, fish sauce, and lime juice.
The coconut core, carrot, and cucumber should be cut into strips, but not so finely that they lose their crunch. The shrimp is steamed before being cut in two and the bacon is boiled and cut into thin strips. They are then marinated in a bowl with fish sauce for 15 minutes before draining.
The next step is to make the main sauce which involves sugar, seasoning powder, chili sauce, ground chili, coriander, and lime juice. They are added to the mix and topped with roasted peanuts and fried dried onions.
The dish is even more enjoyable with a spoonful of coconut milk and prawn crackers.
Source: VNS