disciplinary action

Update news disciplinary action

Disciplinary measures proposed for several Party organisations, members

The Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission held its 42nd meeting from June 12-14, during which it proposed disciplinary measures against a number of Party organisations and members for violating Party regulations.

Incumbent, former ministers of MoLISA disciplined

The PM decided to give a reprimand to Dung for his violations and shortcomings during the performance of duties.

15th NA deputy to face legal proceedings

The National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee has issued a resolution on launching legal proceedings against, detaining, and searching residences and workplace of Duong Van Thai, member of the 15th legislature.

Quang Ngai's ex-secretary expelled from Party

Le Viet Chu, former secretary of the Quang Ngai Provincial Party Committee, has been expelled from the Party as per the decision of the Party Central Committee (PCC).

NA Chairman Hue to be relieved from all duties

The decision was approved in a meeting of the Party Central Committee on Friday.

Inspection commission examines violations by some Party organisations, officials

The Inspection Commission of the Party Central Committee convened its 40th meeting in Hanoi on April 23-24.

Disciplinary measures decided on Party organisations, members

The Politburo and the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat held a meeting in Hanoi on April 14 to decide disciplinary measures on a number of Party organisations and members committing violations.

Disciplinary measures against Party officials in Vinh Phuc, Quang Ngai

The Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission scruntinised violations of and proposed disciplinary actions be taken against officials of the Party Committees of Vinh Phuc and Quang Ngai provinces, at its 38th session in Hanoi on March 18.

NA Standing Committee agrees to let Tran Tuan Anh cease tasks of NA deputy

The National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee on February 5 approved a resolution on allowing Tran Tuan Anh to cease the tasks of a deputy of the 15th legislature.

Disciplinary measures proposed for Party secretary of Lam Dong

The Central Inspection Commission has recommended imposing disciplinary measures against Tran Duc Quan, secretary of the Party Committee of Lam Dong Province, and other leaders of the province.

Industry and trade ministry's Party Committee Standing Board disciplined

The Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission decided to give a warning to the Standing Board of the Ministry of Industry and Trade’s Party Committee in the 2015-2020 tenure as a disciplinary measure.

Senior Party officials to face disciplinary actions

The Inspection Commission of the Party Central Committee scrutinised the outcomes of inspections of some Party organisations and Party officials at a meeting in Hanoi from December 18-20.