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Vietnam introduces program for English-teaching foreigners

The Ministry of  Education and Training has introduced a program for foreigners who are interested in teaching English at foreign language centers in Vietnam.

International competitions putting teachers, students under pressure

Nguyen Cao Cuong, headmaster of Thai Thinh Secondary School in Hanoi, said he often receives emails and calls from private businesses asking him to work with them to persuade students to attend competitions in math, English and science.

Vietnam wins big at Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad

All 20 Vietnamese students put in excellent displays to win medals at the Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad (SEAMO) which was held from January 19 to January 22 in Singapore.

HCM City announces education development goals through 2030

The municipal People’s Committee has approved an education development strategy from now until 2030, with a vision to 2045, aiming to ensure harmony between development and quality of education.

Universities to stop using high school transcripts as admission requirement

University admission based on high school transcripts is not expected to be used by top-tier universities in 2024 because experts say the method cannot ensure fairness and honesty.

First int’l innovative designs expo opens in HCM City

Van Lang University (VLU) in collaboration with Korea Institute of Culture Product and Design (KICD) on Monday (January 15) co-organised a winter international symposium and exhibition for the first time in Vietnam.

Vietnam's universities expand semiconductor programs

Vietnam is estimated to face a shortage of 20,000 qualified personnel in the semiconductor industry in the next five years as foreign-invested enterprises pour money into the country's sector.

80% of electronic-transaction providers do not follow personal-data regulations

Cybersecurity firm SCS, which has conducted a survey on service providers involved in electronic transactions in Vietnam, has found that 80 percent have not fully observed the decree on personal data protection.

Experts disagree about students' taking English classes as early as preschool

Experts say that it would be better to begin learning a foreign language in childhood, but disagree about at which age children should begin.

MoET licenses four foreign accreditation organisations in Vietnam

The Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) has issued decisions allowing the operations of four international accreditation organisations in Vietnam, namely ACQUIN, THE-ICE, ACBSP and ABET.

First ToT programme in IC design opens in Binh Duong

SUN EDU International Education Joint Stock Company and Thu Dau Mot University in Binh Duong Province on January 8 began the first intensive training of trainers (ToT) program in integrated circuit design.

International students studying in Vietnam rising

The number of international students studying in Vietnam averagely increased by 8% - 10% per year in the 2018 – 2023 period, the Ministry of Education and Training has reported.

Vietnamese universities first offer major in IC, semiconductor design

Many Vietnamese universities have unveiled plans to enroll and train students in the integrated circuit (IC) and semiconductor design industry in the year ahead.

Academic integrity depends on better pay and working conditions for researchers

Policies need to be designed in a way to ensure benefits for academic researchers so they can live well and spend their time on research, and don’t have to sell themselves for food and clothing, experts say.

Vietnamese students rank 23rd globally in IELTS exam

The average score on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) of Vietnamese people in 2022 ranked 23rd out of 40 countries organising the IELTS exam.

Annual report on teaching, learning of foreign languages in Vietnam published

The Vietnam Institute of Education Sciences and the National Foreign Languages Project Management Board on December 27 held a conference to publish this year’s report on the teaching and learning of foreign languages in Vietnam.

Teacher in Hanoi applies yoga to help children’s development

Assisting children in enhancing focus and self-control is a constant consideration for teacher Tran Lan Phuong.

Local student wins first prize at Int’l Graduation Project Award

Vietnamese student Tran Thi Chi from Van Lang University in Vietnam claimed first prize in the International Graduation Projects Award 2023 thanks to her project “Culture of the Sea Museum”.

Vietnam ‘moderately’ proficient in English

Vietnam ranks 58th out of 113 countries and territories in the EF English Proficiency Index in 2023 with 505 points out of 800.

Students must prioritise manners before acquiring knowledge

Serious cases of school violence recently have raised strong alarm about the importance of educating children on respecting teachers and upholding morality, along with implementing measures to protect educators.