Seeing a young woman turning pale, clutching her stomach, and crying out in pain, a Vietnamese tourist did not hesitate. He quickly lifted her onto his back and carried her down the long, steep stone steps to seek medical help.

The winding fortress walls where Hieu carried the young woman to seek medical help.

Recently, the heroic act of a Vietnamese tourist in rescuing a distressed young woman in Guizhou, China, was featured in Chinese media, drawing significant attention from netizens in both countries.

While visiting a scenic site in Guiyang, Guizhou, the tourist from Vietnam noticed a young woman looking extremely pale, holding her stomach, and repeatedly crying out in pain. Her companion appeared helpless and confused.

Upon learning that she was suffering from severe abdominal pain, the Vietnamese traveler decided to carry her out of the tourist site to find a taxi and rush her to the hospital. Thanks to his timely intervention, the woman overcame the critical situation and later tried to find out his identity to express her gratitude.

A video capturing the moment when the Vietnamese tourist carried the woman for emergency aid was filmed by someone in his group and shared online.

A Chinese news site featured Hieu’s good deed.

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Hieu carrying the woman more than a kilometer to the entrance to find a taxi.

The man in the video is Pham Trung Hieu, born in 1988, the director of a travel company in Ha Long, Quang Ninh.

Speaking to reporters, Hieu recounted that the incident took place on February 20 at Qingyan Ancient Town, one of the four most famous ancient towns in Guizhou.

He recalled that while descending a steep slope at the site, he encountered a young female tourist in her early twenties showing signs of distress. She looked pale and continuously clutched her stomach in pain, while her companion appeared lost and panicked.

Hieu approached to check on her, speaking in Chinese, but she was in such pain that she couldn’t respond.
Faced with the emergency, the Vietnamese tourist quickly decided to carry her to the entrance to find a taxi for hospital transport.

Through a Chinese journalist, the young woman expressed her gratitude to her rescuer.
Photos: Hieu Pham

"I’m 1.7 meters tall and weigh 73 kilograms, while she was around 50 kilograms, so carrying her wasn’t too difficult. I also work out regularly, so I have good stamina. However, the route was over a kilometer long, filled with steep, winding stone steps, which eventually exhausted me," Hieu recounted.

When he neared the entrance, just a few hundred meters away, his strength was nearly depleted. His arms, legs, and back ached so much that he could no longer continue, so he asked his Chinese business partner to help support the young woman the rest of the way.

Despite the cold weather of about 5 degrees Celsius, Hieu was drenched in sweat. "I had to stop four times along the way to regain my strength. It took about 30 to 40 minutes to reach the taxi pick-up point," he said.

After returning to his hotel, a Chinese journalist contacted him for an interview upon hearing of the event. The reporter also shared updates on the woman’s health condition.

"Fortunately, she received timely medical attention and avoided any severe complications. Through the reporter, she sent her heartfelt thanks to us," Hieu shared.

He admitted that he was deeply moved and happy to see his actions recognized and widely shared, inspiring many people.

"I never expected such a small act to receive so much attention. In a situation where someone needs urgent help, I believe anyone would do the same," Hieu said.

Thao Trinh