news Vietnam

Update news news Vietnam

Education Ministry issues official code of conduct for teachers and students

The Ministry of Education and Training has just issued a circular on code of conduct for teachers, students and parents from preschool to high school level nation-wide.


Flag tower to be erected on Tho Chu Island

A ceremony was held on May 5 to break the ground for the construction of a flag tower on Tho Chu island, the southwestern province of Kien Giang.

VN Central bank buys $8.35 billion to build foreign reserves

The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) bought 8.35 billion USD from credit institutions between the beginning of this year and April 17 to build up the nation’s foreign reserve.


Vietnam mulls stricter penalties to drunk driving

The Ministry of Transport has asked the Directorate for Roads of Vietnam to revise the Decree 46 issued in 2016 towards imposing stricter penalties on drivers whose alcohol content in blood or breath exceeding the permitted level.


Over 6 tonnes of drugs seized in Q1

Police busted many drug trafficking rings in the first quarter of 2019, seizing over 6 tonnes of drugs – higher than the amount seized last year and tripling that in 2017.


Credit for real estate to be under stricter control

Authorities are planning to continue tightening credit for real estate in the time ahead, which is hoped to have positive impacts on the market, heard a forum in Hanoi on May 4.


Driving a sustainable private sector

Although the local private sector has enjoyed phenomenal growth in the past years, reaching its abundant potential still proves a challenging task.

Maintaining a strong private sector

As Vietnam moves closer to developing a sturdy private sector, the government is being urged to create the best conditions for the sector to do business.

Equitisation of State-owned enterprises remains slow: official

The equitisation of SOEs is still slow, failing to reach the rate of progress as directed by the Prime Minister, Deputy Minister of Finance Vu Thi Mai said at the Government’s regular press briefing in Hanoi on May 4.


New steps to speed up replacement of magnetic strip ATM cards

The National Payment Corporation of Viet Nam (NAPAS) has announced a fee reduction for its local switching system services with an aim to encourage banks replacing their current magnetic strip ATM cards with chip cards ahead of schedule.


A productive and innovative Vietnam

Vietnam is now considering the manufacturing industry as a key pillar for growth.

Vietnam's digital transformation expected to add US$162 billion to GDP

Viet Nam could enjoy an additional US$162 billion to GDP in the next 20 years if the country succeeds in its digital transformation, said Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment Vu Dai Thang.



January-April total retail value grows at highest rate since 2015


VN poised to become manufacturer of established global brands

Competitive labour costs and preferential policies will continue to help Viet Nam become an ideal destination for investors in the garment and textile sector.


Private sector needs more impetus: PM

The private sector plays a crucial role in the national economy and should be given impetus to develop. 


Vietnam closing in on neighbours in Southeast Asian startup race

Despite one of the world’s highest economic growth, broad-based macroeconomic stability, and advanced IT infrastructure, Vietnam is still dogging behind many Southeast Asian nations in developing a large startup community.


Innovation must power the next growth phase

In the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the global economy is entering a period of growth mainly based on technology and innovation.

Vietnamese woman in N. Korea murder case arrives home

A Vietnamese suspect in the murder of the holder of a Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) passport with the name of Kim Chol arrived home on May 3 after two years in prison in Malaysia.


52 fishermen rescued off Da Bac Island

A fishing boat with 52 crew members from central Quang Nam Province was rescued yesterday morning 10 miles off of Đá Bắc Island, part of Viet Nam’s Hoang Sa (Paracel) Archipelago, after the ship went adrift on April 30.


Adopt and overcome

Vietnam’s manufacturers and service providers alike are awakening to the immense gains from research and development, and cutting-edge technology which they can use to either comprehensively restructure their operations.